The latest technology of enzyme technology in many areas due to higher application Due to the vision of a bright and sunny future growth needs quickly. The application of genetic engineering technology on the enzyme, the most interesting development in recent years. Many improvements can be genetically engineered, including the simple work-up and the yield and enzyme kinetics or other security aspects are attributes. In the slow-growing plant or animal tissue or restriction can with a high production security microbial enzyme from a microorganism that is not dangerous or approval replicated. By increasing the copy number of the genes to be increased for the amount of enzyme produced by the microorganism.
For example; As the full burden of parents induced significantly higher amount of structure amidase Ajay – G – cell design, the production of penicillin, thanks to the plasmid amplification at around 50 copies per cell. The crude enzyme obtained is much more pure and economically suitable because of the lower cost, as well as further processing, such as increased volumetric productivity increase yields well. New enzyme structures may be designed and manufactured to improve to create the enzyme activity to a new or existing. Content (Bacillus amyl Laurie kwipe of sieon) in many subtilis protein engineering, indicated enzyme detergent formulations.

Alcalase enzyme of This can lead to even better target the stabilization of the activity of the detergent and the oxidizing agent pressure to the pH higher temperatures. The enzyme can exist for the construction of an artificial potential of the current. These are the same enzyme, and the activity, often synzymes synthetic polymer or oligomer in general. The enzyme can be immobilized are coupled, and are used to form a biosensor for the analysis without loss of enzyme activity to the return of reusable design enzyme.Use enzyme to an inert support material from the developed countries to promote recent activity. The enzyme is used for the diagnosis of diseases to part designed so that they can easily work genetically. So it is clear that a wide range of enzyme technology and in the future.
Is generated from a living cell in a biological system, the chemical reaction rates so that the organic compound may take place at relatively low temperatures during the process itself enzymes apparently unchanged. So-called biocatalyst enzyme. In some cases the biological catalyst are proteins (enzymes), or they can nucleic acids (ribozymes this can be a RNA, in order to promote the hydrolysis of the day, some decomposition of RNA molecules, we have all the enzymatic reactions fast selective catalyst for this reaction can be effectively isolated the enzyme that can act, but in the case of enzymes, it was also questioned whether a biosphere external catalyst dispute between biochemical point – you know, that all living things to survive and play a catalytic need …
Which is at the beginning of the 20th century, the enzyme in the fact that they used as a catalyst for the patent in the excellent properties of these enzymes for use in enzyme technology biocatalyst a living cell and the outside uses is, however, several methods have been at an early stage, that for example, they can be used as the biocatalyst to catalyze the chemical reaction on an industrial scale in a sustainable manner. to meet their application to the production of desired products to all the material of the human (eg, food, feed, pharmaceuticals, fine and bulk chemicals, fibers particularly diagnostic, hygiene, technology) as well as the environment, purposes for different, the facts analyze the last 50 years, our knowledge of the enzyme increasing – as well as their biosynthesis and molecular biology, etc. – in many processes occur currently allows the efficient use as a catalyst and continue to a solution of a new synthetic methods and their modifications and optimization analysis problem

The enzyme is a big business. They are used in many industrial processes to catalyze the biological reactions. The use of a variety of manufacturing methods for the composite, such as food and medicines, such as antibiotics, such as penicillin and artificial enzymes. It is also used to purify industrial wastewater and contaminated water and soil. Many processes can be faster and cheaper to use only the enzyme and the conditions.