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Exercises To Fix Bow Legs Naturally Without Surgery

A person with bow legs has their legs bent outward at the knees making feet and ankles touch each other. Aerobic exercises like running cause stress on the knee joints and are not recommended. However, there are some exercises a person can do to improve their condition. Keep reading for effective exercise with bow legs or knock knees

There is a connection between the hip abductors and the bowed legs of a person. Hip abductors consist of the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and tensor fasciae, and together these muscles provide leg rotation at the hip joint. The proper functioning of these muscles is necessary for the person to walk and stand up properly. People who have bow legs have weak and tight hip abductors that make it difficult to walk. With the help of hip abductor exercise, a person can strengthen that muscle group and straighten their bow legs over time. Below is the list of hip abductor exercises a person can perform to correct bow legs naturally without any surgery. 

Clamshell exercise

This exercise is good for strengthening the hip abductors of a person. Follow the below steps to do the clamshell exercise properly at home. 

  • First, you need to lie down on your side and keep the heels of your legs together.
  • Once you are in that position, you need to lift the leg on the top three inches into the air and make sure that your ankles are in contact all the time. You should lift your legs by keeping your hip intact in one place so that it doesn’t rotate.
  • Once you lift the leg at the top, bring it down as soon as possible to the starting position. Holding it in the air can be harmful to you, so be quick.  
  • You need to perform this exercise at least ten times in a row on the same side and switch to the other side and repeat. 
  • The important thing to remember is that you should not rotate your hips during the process. For the exercise to be effective, they should remain as stationery as possible. 

Banded Jumping Jacks

Banded jumping jacks are another exercise to strengthen your weak and tight hip abductors. It can in turn correct your bow legs without any need for surgery. Follow these steps to perform jumping jacks with the band effectively. 

  • You should stand straight with your knees a little apart in the beginning.
  • You need to put a resistance band around your ankles and keep enough distance between the legs, so that the band remains firmly in that position, and doesn’t fall off.
  • You need to jump in and jump out with a bent knee to keep the band uptight. It makes your feet go out and in on both sides and helps to strengthen the hip abductors. 
  • You should perform at least 15 repetitions of this exercise to get effective results. 

These two are the safest and most efficient exercise with bow legs or knock knees. You should keep performing them until you start seeing the results.