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CBD Oil for Cats: Dosage, and Dietary Tips

With the rise of medical marijuana in many states, more people are turning to CBD oil as an alternative treatment for a range of ailments. But did you know that CBD oil is also safe for cats? As pet owners increasingly look for natural ways to help their cats combat pain, seizures, anxiety, and other conditions – using CBD oil can be a great option. Here we will discuss the dosage and dietary tips for using CBD oil for cats.

CBD (cannabidiol) is a type of cannabinoid found in both cannabis and hemp plants. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), another popular cannabinoid, it has no psychoactive effects, so it won’t get your cat or dog high if they consume it. Instead, it interacts with receptors throughout the body to produce various therapeutic benefits, such as reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

Dosage considerations when giving CBD oil to your cat

It’s important to note that there are no definitive guidelines or standards when giving your cat CBD oil, as all animals metabolize drugs differently due to factors such as weight and size. Therefore, it’s best to start with a low dose and slowly increase it over time until you find the right amount for your feline friend. For most cats, this will usually be around 0.25mg per pound twice a day, depending on their condition – but always consult a vet before starting any new treatments! Also, make sure you’re buying from reputable companies that provide third-party laboratory test results so you can be sure what’s in the bottle matches what’s on the label.

Types of products available for cats

When shopping for CBD products specifically for cats, you’re likely to come across different types, such as tinctures (a liquid form that comes with dropper applicators), treats (infused snacks made with real meat flavors), topicals (creams or ointments applied directly to the skin) and oils (meant to be added to food or water). Ultimately, which one is best depends largely on your cat’s preference; just remember that some may take longer to work than others due to the time it takes for them to be systematically absorbed into the body.

Benefits of using CBD oil for cats

The potential benefits of using CBD oil for cats include helping to reduce inflammation associated with arthritis or joint pain, as well as aiding digestive issues caused by age or illness. Some studies also suggest that it could potentially help treat seizure disorders such as epilepsy by calming overactive neurons in the brain, while other anecdotal reports indicate success in treating anxiety-related behaviors such as spraying indoors or excessive night-time meowing!

Dietary considerations when feeding CBD oil to your cat

As mentioned above, not all types of products available will work equally well depending on your pet’s individual needs – so it’s important to consider dietary tips when feeding your pet CBD oil. For example: If you’re giving them tinctures orally via syringe/dropper, then try mixing it into canned wet food rather than dry food, as the fats/oils in wet food can help with absorption better than the carbohydrates in dry food. On the other hand, if you’re using topicals, make sure any areas to be treated are clean beforehand and there are no open wounds, otherwise topical applications could cause further irritation rather than relief! Finally, if opting for treats then watch closely how much they’re consuming as these contain higher amounts of sugar compared to other forms which could lead to weight gain eventually leading up to diabetes development over a prolonged period of use without proper diet checks being done regularly too!

The bottom line

While there is still much research to be done on the potential health benefits of using CBD oil specifically for pets – current evidence suggests positive outcomes ranging from reduced inflammation levels associated with chronic pain conditions all the way down to reduced anxiety symptoms associated with behavioral changes commonly seen in domesticated animals such as cats! Overall though – dosage considerations must always come first along with dietary tips that accompany each product type given whether oral tincture drops, mixed wet food/water sources alongside topical ointments applied directly to fur coats/skin layers followed lastly by treats containing sugar elements closely monitored prevent weight gains linked towards diabetes eventuality amongst long term users thereafter too!